Bonnie Raitt has a deep and extensive library of work that could be considered essential listening. So much so that it’s not always easy to choose just a few if you’re introducing a new fan to her work. But here are our recommended “Essential Bonnie Raitt” songs.

“Made Up Mind” is the first single from her album Just Like That. And it has excellent nature imagery including rainstorms and moonlight. It also has a smooth groove with exquisite examples of Raitt’s vocal work. And the drum and guitar work absolutely slays as they support Raitt’s enchanting voice.

Bonnie’s cover of John Prine’s “Angel from Montgomery” has been covered several times before and after Raitt. But her rendition is considered the mainstream version. Raitt’s voice weaves into the lyrics in a way that no one else seems to. Especially when you hear her delivery of some of the more famous lines, creating an emotional experience.

But there are no better examples of Raitt’s excellent voice than “I Can’t Make You Love Me”. This song is all about the pain and resignation of unrequited love that has the emotional weight that everyone feels in this situation. And it’s backed by one of the sweetest instrumentalists in music. It’s a powerful journey from beginning to end.